Sustainable Procurement Policy

Sustainable Procurement Policy


IMD is one of the UK’s leading electrical equipment manufacturers of LV Switchgear, Wiring Accessories and Containment products and is committed to operating in an ethical and responsible manner.

As we continue our Sustainability and Social Value journey, we are conscious of the impact our supply chain has on our success. National and international laws and regulations hold us jointly accountable for non-compliant behaviour from within our supply chain, so our stakeholders also expect us to trade both ethically and responsibly.

Considering this, we expect our partners to adopt the values of this Policy within their own scope of business, specifically in respect of:

  1. Business Integrity
  2. Confidential Information
  3. Corporate and Social Responsibility
  4. Environment

In addition, we expect all our employees working on behalf of our business to with adopt the same values of this Policy.


This policy is set out to cover all IMD facilities and employees located both internal (i.e. factory personnel) and external (i.e. accounts & sales team) to the operational sites, along with our supply chain of key partners, both nationally and internationally.


  1. Business Integrity

We are committed to conducting our business with integrity in an ethical and open manner. We respect and support the principles of fair competition, whilst rejecting all forms of corruption and refuse to resort to any illicit action for the purpose of obtaining an advantage outside the scope of local or international law.

We aim to ensure our employees and partners within our supply chain adhere to the values within this Policy.

  1. Confidential Information

Business Information relating to intellectual property and confidential information shared with a supply partner(s) would be regarded as confidential whilst working with our business, and would be expected to be kept safe, not disclosed to any third party, and keep the distribution list within their organisation limited to those necessary to undertake work with our business(es).

Personal data (if provided whilst working with our business) should be retained confidentially as per our GDPR Policy and local laws, where applicable.

  1. Corporate & Social Responsibility

Our team will conduct on-site social audits of each supply partner periodically. These audits cater for our minimum requirements as a ‘partner’ and cover topics including (but not limited to):

Health, Safety & Environment;

Labour (inc. Child Labour);

Hours, Wages & Benefits;

Labour Practices, and

Waste Management.

  1. Environment

We also work with our supply chain partners to ensure goods, including packaging, meets the objective of our environmental policy, ensuring there is no environmental impact during our product use.


To meet our Objectives, the IMD Group implements the following measures with our employees and partners:

  1. This document, along with our Environmental; Anti-Bribery & Corruption; Anti-Slavery & Human Trafficking; GDPR and Whistleblowing Policies are issued as part of our induction / onboarding process to all new employees and forms a key part of this Sustainable Procurement Policy.
  2. Publication of these Policies are available to all employees and supply chain partners. They are also available publicly on our website (where necessary).
  3. Any breach of these Policies should be notified to their immediate line manager, or reported as per our Whistleblowing Policy.
  4. All personal data is stored / managed in line with our GDPR Policy.
  5. The purchase of ‘goods’ are limited to personnel within each business. A restriction on the value any one person can place with a partner ensures multiple people from the management team are notified to avoid unauthorised purchases.
  6. Social Audits will be conducted by our local teams of all international Key Partners as per our Supplier Social Audit Report document, focusing on Health, Safety & Environment; Labour (inc. Child Labour); Hours, Wages & Benefits; Labour Practices and Waste Management.

As part of our annual Sustainability and Social Value Report, we report on the percentage of key partners who have been audited in the year, and those where non-conformities have occurred. We also highlight the impact of our target towards the reduction in single use plastics and recyclable packaging.

Documents to be read in conjunction with this Policy

  1. Sustainability & Social Value Report
  2. Anti-bribery & Corruption Policy
  3. Anti-slavery & Human Trafficking Policy
  4. GDPR Policy
  5. Whistleblowing Policy
  6. Environmental Policy

This Policy is reviewed annually.


John R. Allden

Managing Director