Flush Screed Trunking
3 Compartment 225x25mm Flush Screed Trunking (2M Length)
3 segregated compartments.Shallow 25mm deep trunking profile.Reinforced lid to allow foot traffic.Manufactured from continuously zinc galvanised steel strip to BSEN 10346:2015.Fillets have rubber gasket strip fitted to increase stability and…
Flush Screed Trunking
3 Compartment Rising Bend for 225x25mm Flush Screed Trunking
Riser Bend fitting is compatible with the Tamlex flush screed trunking system.3 segregated compartments.Shallow 25mm deep trunking profile.Fillets have rubber gasket strip fitted to increase stability and reduce lid deflection.Screed…
Flush Screed Trunking
3 Compartment Intersection for 225x25mm Flush Screed Trunking
Intersection to be used as flat bend, tee and fourway.Intersections are 55mm deep to allow the maximum cable capacity throughout the system.Reinforced lid to allow foot traffic.Fillets have rubber gasket…
Flush Screed Trunking
3 Compartment 68mm Service Box for 225x25mm Flush Screed Trunking
3 Compartment Flush Screed Service Box.Reversible self-closing lid.Reinforced with steel plates with a recessed lid to allow 10mm infill.Durable polycarbonate trim and lid as standard.Cable outlets with sponge foam to…
Flush Screed Trunking
Stop End for 225x25mm Flush Screed Trunking
Suitable for Tamlex flush screed trunking only.